Friday, September 26, 2008

That's right, moles. Skin moles, NOT lawn moles. They're weird.....and weirdly intriguing. This blog aims to highlight great moles.... moles in great places, moles of great shapes, moles on top of other moles, moles that are particularly frightening to young long as there is a reason why it's not a "normal" mole and is instead a great mole, it is welcome on The Mole Blog.

Here we go people!

To get us started we have a couple of great mole shots from a recent trip I took to Brasil....these aren't Brasilian moles (one belongs an English lad and one to a Peruvian/Venezualen girl) but they certainly are worthy of starting off the mole blog!

And a quick tip for all you readers out there: One thing that really helped me get these great mole photos was making sure the mole-barers were good and liquored up before I asked to take pictures of their moles (keep this in mind next time you see a great mole waiting to be documented....).

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