Friday, October 3, 2008

a tragic loss in the mole community

Oh Enrique.....why?

Here's what he had to say about this tragic experience, "'When the doctor was taking it off, I was like, 'Oh, my God,' because all I saw was blood. I was freaking out because I thought the guy was going to poke out my eye.''

He should have poked out your eye and saved the mole!

more details:,,477331,00.html

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

wikipedia mole

"A mole. David Benbennick took this photograph today, March 14, 2005." read more here

Monday, September 29, 2008

1 Mole, 2 black hairs

This kind of thing can happen. A mole growing in a relatively hairless area can sometimes sprout one or several wiry black hairs.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

moles for balance

This mole is strategically placed along the spine to help improve a very small tail. And let me tell you, this girl can dance, her balance is superb!

I included two photos just to highlight the importance of lighting. Look at how the lighting really changes the mood of the mole. I hope all our readers are taking notes on the art of

PS- WHY DONT WE HAVE ANY FOLLOWERS?? you know you wanna follow this blog people!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mole pit

Check this mole. Recently exposed at a fashion show birthday party, this mole is REALLY well placed in the warm folds of a feminine armpit. And how about that quality photography? Art-mole pic.

a mole burried in facial hair

There is more personality in this mole than most people have in their entire bodies.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The raisin's last stand

This guy is a real fighter... made it through almost being scratched off and an abruptly canceled dermatologist appointment. His days are numbered... enjoy him while you still can.


That's right, moles. Skin moles, NOT lawn moles. They're weird.....and weirdly intriguing. This blog aims to highlight great moles.... moles in great places, moles of great shapes, moles on top of other moles, moles that are particularly frightening to young long as there is a reason why it's not a "normal" mole and is instead a great mole, it is welcome on The Mole Blog.

Here we go people!

To get us started we have a couple of great mole shots from a recent trip I took to Brasil....these aren't Brasilian moles (one belongs an English lad and one to a Peruvian/Venezualen girl) but they certainly are worthy of starting off the mole blog!

And a quick tip for all you readers out there: One thing that really helped me get these great mole photos was making sure the mole-barers were good and liquored up before I asked to take pictures of their moles (keep this in mind next time you see a great mole waiting to be documented....).